Signs of Spring

Last Wednesday, we had a school wide Martenitsa celebration led by Mr. Freeman and Mr. Zaragoza. In Bulgarian tradition, we made red and white martenitsa bracelets in the hopes that we would soon see signs of Spring. The tradition continues that when you do see a sign...

Newsletter March 5, 2017

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter March 5, 2017   Reading   The students have finished The Last Voyage of the Griffon by Wendy Caszatt-Allen and completed a plot turning poster.  The students picked out events that were successes, challenges, and turning points for the...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

It looks like I didn’t take a ton of pictures this week, but that doesn’t mean we were not busy. Just that I was busy doing other things besides classroom photography! In PE this week, the kids continued the basketball unit. They practiced a bit more with...

Week 30

This week has been busy, busy! In Social Studies we started our Pioneer simulation! The students were split up into 4 groups. Each group is a different wagon train, and they will work together for the next three weeks to move West on the Hacker Trail! The wagon trains...

Sixth Grade Gazette 3/3/17

Dear parents, This was another great week for 6th grade at PCCS! Yesterday’s field trip to the Botanical Gardens was a successful one. It began with a lab focusing on stomata, where groups of students took the equivalent to a fingerprint of a leaf and looked at it...