Earth Week Field Trips and a Quick Update

During Earth Week we have many exciting events planned for students. April 17th: field trip to a “green home” in  Wild Wood (our class is from 12:30-2:00, sign-up here if you can help us keep the cost $0 and drive students/staff) April 18th: Nature Museum...

Enjoying the Full Moon

Happy moon gazing! How exciting to see the full moon at the same time we are beginning a study of the moon and its phases in science. In fact, this moon study wraps up our Earth science unit this week, and we will most likely have our unit test either Friday or next...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

Hello Everyone! This was a pretty full week, although it seemed to go really fast, especially with two early release days at the end. So what did we do this week? I’m going to be short and sweet this time and it looks like I didn’t take as many pictures as...

Week 31

Student led conferences were fantastic! I’m so proud of how the students took control and created their own conference. They’ve worked very hard this week creating their portfolios, choosing pieces of work to show their parents, and making sure their...

Sixth Grade Gazette 3/10/17

Dear parents,   Thank you to everyone who came to the student-led conferences. It is always a great opportunity to partner on supporting your child. If you have any future questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.Meanwhile, in Social Studies,...