A Spirited Week

We will kick off this week with Patriot Day for Spirit/ Attendance Week! In an effort to encourage all students to attend school this week, Mr. Zamiar has made the following promise: If the school has better attendance during Attendance week that we had last year, Mr....

A Short, but Busy Week

We hope you are enjoying a bit of relaxation over this three day week-end. We have a busy week ahead with lots to fit into four days! Tomorrow is our science quiz on Eclipses and Lunar phases. Please remind your students to look over their ISN notes to prepare. After...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

Multiplication, magnets, realistic fiction, computers, team handball, quiet spots, more weddings, and babies! We certainly tend to pack a lot into a shortened week. What does this all mean, keep reading. Everyone has been working hard on multiplication this week, the...

Week 4

Happy Friday, everyone! We certainly have had a busy week, with band starting, a green assembly, and NWEA testing make-ups. The 3rd and 4th graders enjoyed a lesson with Ms. Naomi and Mrs. Wagner about electricity, and the resources that we have around campus for...

Turner Tribune 9/8/17

Hello families, This week we initiated our 1st reading unit of literature circles. This type of small reading group allows for students to be setting their reading pace over the course of the next month. Ask your child which novel they will be reading with their...