Welcome Fall

As summer “officially” turns to fall this week, there will definitely be excitement in the air and in our 5th grade classrooms! My homeroom had a great time at the Prairie Crossing Farm last Monday, and we learned a lot about organic farming. We also...

Newsletter, September 17, 2017

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter September 17, 2017   Reading   The students have started reading groups.  They are working on making predictions and answering questions about their books.  During whole group lessons the students are learning to identify the theme of a...

Book Orders

Class Code – HJRBT Order Due Date – 09/29/17 Dear Families, I want your child to be a successful reader—and for that, I need your help. When children choose their own books to read for pleasure, they enjoy reading more and spend more time doing it. The...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

I’m going to be short and sweet this weekend because it is so nice outside that I don’t want to spend much time sitting on a computer. So here it goes. We met our book buddies from kindergarten this week. Ms. Hahn and I were so proud of our kids for how...

Week 6

We are so lucky to still have such beautiful weather! We had the chance to enjoy the sun during Phenology this week, but still saw some signs that fall is on its way. In science, we started our unit on magnets – everyone is very engaged in our...