Anti-Bullying Week (Part 1)

Anti-Bullying Week (Part 1)

This week, PCCS is having an Anti-Bullying week where we focus on what bullying is and how we can prevent it in our classroom and throughout the school.  Both blog entries this week will be about what we have been doing in the classroom.  Today’s entry will be...

Mindfulness-Based Interventions

Recently, I attended a professional development called Mindfulness-Based Interventions to Rewire the Brain. We learned about four different styles of meditation: Focus – voluntary control of attention and cognitive processes, Mindfulness – awareness of an...

Hoping for Sunshine

Although we’ve had a soggy start to our week today, we are hoping for sunshine both inside and outside of the classroom when we return to school tomorrow. We will begin our week with presentations of the research projects the students have done for Esperanza...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

I skipped writing a post last week because my family was up in Minneapolis visiting our son at college. It was great to see him in person again after a few months away. So for this post I will combine a bit of what happened over the last two weeks. Let’s get...