Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

A lot happened this week in Ms. Hahn’s class, so let’s get right to it. P.E. saw the introduction of floor hockey. This is proving to be a very fun unit that everyone seems to be enjoying. We finished our explorer unit in social studies this week. The kids...

Week 14

Well, it certainly feels like winter…. I hope everyone stays warm this weekend! The 3rd and 4th graders accomplished SO much this week! In social studies, we completed our explorer presentations. It was so great to see the effort everyone put into their research...

Turner Tribune 11/10/17

Hello families,First and foremost, please click here to sign-up for a Fall Student-Attended Conference. This year, conferences take place on Monday 11/20 and Tuesday 11/21; right before Thanksgiving. If you are unable to attend conferences due to a prior...
Fill the Bill

Fill the Bill

We had a very special lesson on bird beaks and bills and how they are designed to get food in different ways.  To do this, we had four different stations: Vase Station –  We had water in tall narrow vases.  The students had to see which worked better to get...

November Green Challenge

Tuesday, we had our Green Challenge Assembly for November: Don’t Trash, Donate!   The Green Challenge Team kicked of the event by explaining what the Holiday Bazaar is and going over what can be donated (video games, jewelery, books, toys, etc.) and what cannot be...