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Turner Tribune 11/10/17

Hello families,

First and foremost, please click here to sign-up for a Fall Student-Attended Conference. This year, conferences take place on Monday 11/20 and Tuesday 11/21; right before Thanksgiving. If you are unable to attend conferences due to a prior commitment/family plans, please let me know and we will try to coordinate meeting at another time.


This week we initiated our study of informational writing and text. For writing, we compared and contrasted narratives and informative pieces. In literature, we started talking on Tuesday about a biography report that students will be working on over the course of November. A planning packet (with rubric, long-term planning and outline organizer) will be provided and explained to students on Monday. Students were offered a selection of texts on various historical figures and by Monday, they need to have selected a book about the historical figure of their choice. Some students have already decided on a book based on ones I provided, while other students are opting to bring a biography from home or the local library (if they prefer to report on someone that I do not have a text about). Please talk with your child about this report and help ensure your child has a book by Monday. Thank you for your partnership on this!


In Social Studies, we wrapped up our Bones & Stones unit on primitive times and are jumping to Ancient Mesopotamia, in a unit called “Empires”. This will be a ~5 week unit filled with several projects called tasks. Tasks will need to be completed mostly outside of class time. Click here for a sneak peek of task options; students will divide responsibilities for completing tasks in each “civilization category” to ensure a balanced distribution of topics covered. Any tasks will likely be complete prior to winter break.


Important Dates

Wednesday, 11/15: F2T, 12:15 PM – 12:50 PM in the barn

Monday, 11/20: Early Release (Conferences)

Tuesday, 11/21: Early Release (Conferences)

Wednesday- Friday, 11/22 – 11/24: No School (Thanksgiving Break)

Friday, 12/1: Turner Class Geo Bee