Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

We have made it! The final week of school is upon us. This will be a quick post with mostly pictures of this past week. I will not be posting again, but I will update the gallery tab one last time next Friday. The class did a lot of interesting and fun things this...

Turner Tribune 5/25/18

Greetings, Tuesday, students will turn in their final ELA assignment of the year, a creative & fractured retelling of a familiar myth, fairy tale or folktale. In Social Studies we will  wrap up our study of Ancient Rome. Also, we will publish our Turner Tribune....
Audubon Field Trip

Audubon Field Trip

Today we were able to visit Rollins Savanna and go on a bird walk with some friends from the Audubon Society of Lake County.  We went with Ms. Johnson’s class and met Mr. Troy and some other volunteers from the Audubon Society, and went on a walk around the...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

This week we spent a lot of time outside. We took the kids to quiet spots at least twice, they journaled details of plants and animals after an author visit, and they practiced drawing with cross hatching based on a lesson with Naomi. The garden is looking great. All...
Look Up in the Sky…

Look Up in the Sky…

…It’s a bird.  It’s a plane.  It’s a glider being launched in math class?!?  One of the experiments we are doing in math during this last unit is creating gliders and seeing how far they will go after we launch them.  We have created two...