We have made it! The final week of school is upon us. This will be a quick post with mostly pictures of this past week. I will not be posting again, but I will update the gallery tab one last time next Friday.
The class did a lot of interesting and fun things this week. We spent most of our lunch time having picnics in our back yard, the space around the classroom is really looking good. The kids finished their Lewis and Clark unit (except for immersion day) and presented their L&C letters to our class and Mrs. McGovern’s class. They did a really good job and our author guest who has been working with them was very impressed with their abilities. The kids have been making items to use for a trading game we will play at L&C. They have made handkerchiefs, blankets, ear rings, mirrors, and knives.
Math has been completed as they have been working on a group project to develop a new playground (make believe). So they had to research types of equipment, costs, space requirements, etc. Then they put it all together to design a playground. Reading has meant everyone working on their cereal box projects about the last book group book they read. Presentations will be next week.
Ms. Hahn’s class harvested the lettuce that we have been growing, we cleaned it, and bagged it up. Ms. Hahn then drove it to a food pantry where they were very pleased to be able to offer fresh produce to their clients. It was so nice this week that kids did spelling tests and did other work outside. We have a new picnic table/bench that we got from our money we got from winning the door contest.
While I am looking forward to summer vacation and my upcoming European vacation (we leave Saturday!), I am going to miss your kids so much. Watching them learn and grow these past two years has been an absolute pleasure. This group of kids sincerely likes each other and it shows in how they work and play throughout the day. Each and everyone of them will transition well to fifth grade, it may not be easy, but they can all handle the challenge. I’m so proud of all they have accomplished in their time with Ms. Hahn and I.
I hope you all have a fun-filled summer full of lots of adventure. I look forward to seeing the kids when school starts back up in August. Make sure they know they can always stop by and say hello.
All the best,
~ Mrs. Steinbeck