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Turner Tribune 5/25/18


Tuesday, students will turn in their final ELA assignment of the year, a creative & fractured retelling of a familiar myth, fairy tale or folktale. In Social Studies we will  wrap up our study of Ancient Rome. Also, we will publish our Turner Tribune.


Students will be turning in their Chromebooks AND chargers on Wednesday; they will be checked-in while we are on our canoe trip. Please help your child ensure their computer and charger are present at school Wednesday morning (we should already have the boxes in the classroom). Thank you!

Lastly, we have so many fun events next week, to wrap up the year with hands-on experiences:

  • May 29: Field day 12:15-2:05, our team color is pink but students are welcome to wear black if they do not own anything pink, please sign up here if you are available to help. *Be sure to scroll down to the ⅚ section on page 2*
  • May 30: Canoe trip ~9am-2pm, final book buddies meeting @2:40
  • May 31: Bike trip 10:30-2:30, please let us know if you can bike with us
  • June 1: Last day of school, Move-up day, PBIS celebration 10-12:30


Happy weekend!

Ms. Turner & Mr. Hurwitz