Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

We had a good week in Ms. Hahn’s class. Read on to find out about a few of the things we did. Specials In art class they continued working on their clay pinch pots. Hopefully we get them into the kiln in the next couple of weeks. PE has been all about floor hockey...

Turner Times 1/18/19

Hello families, Since coming back from break we have been busy busy! Students were truly good sports this week, handling NWEA testing issues and changes to the routine. We appreciate students’ patience and hard-work. Testing will conclude next week. In ELA, students...

Our First Week Back

It has been great to see everyone back at school again and hear about the fun and relaxing activities so many of you enjoyed over winter break. January will be a busy month at PCCS, including NWEA testing on Monday (math) and Friday (ELA) of this week. This mid-year...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing winter break. While I didn’t really go anywhere, I enjoyed the downtime just the same. Many board games were played with my kids, numerous books were read, a jigsaw puzzle was completed, and way too much food was consumed. Of...