Classroom News

Good Morning, I hope you are all warm today and stay warm tomorrow! I wanted to touch base and let you know that students do have spelling words to sort, look up definitions, and use properly in a sentence. Students sorted them in class yesterday and know what to do....

Turner Times 2/1/19

Hello all, It has been a wacky week, with the weather impacting our school days. On attendance days, students did their part to ensure we are moving forward in our studies of Global Issues and Ancient Egypt, as well as mastering additional academic vocabulary words....

Week of 1/28

Here is this week’s newsletter 1/28 Last week was peace week and we studied about Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King jr., and read many stories about peace. Ask your student about the book Steamboat School. We also created a large mural of MLK as a class. It...

Waiting for the Groundhog

With the frigid winter temperatures we’re having, I’m setting my sights on the groundhog and hoping for an early spring! We will continue to monitor weather conditions to ensure your students’ safety at school, but please be sure to send them with...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

We had a good week in Ms. Hahn’s class. Read on to find out about a few of the things we did. Specials The kids played scooter hockey in PE this week, which proved to be very fun, but very difficult. Everyone enjoyed this fun game. The clay projects are coming along...