We had a good week in Ms. Hahn’s class. Read on to find out about a few of the things we did.
The kids played scooter hockey in PE this week, which proved to be very fun, but very difficult. Everyone enjoyed this fun game. The clay projects are coming along in art and many are drying in preparation for the kiln. Music and Spanish were the same as last week with rhythms being played and South American countries being studied respectively.
The brochures about landforms are due on Monday, many have already been turned in. We have finished our independent reading tests with the kids, so we can go back to small group reading again. For math we are in the early part of a multiplication and division unit. If your child does not know their multiplication facts, practicing flash cards at home for 5 minutes a day can be a huge help. In science we have continued to work with rocks and minerals. Again a lot of hands on activities go with this unit. We also had a visit from Naomi and she shared her fossil collection with the class. Very interesting and so nice of her to come in.
Other Things that Were Happening
The school spelling bee was on Tuesday. Our class participants Kate and Evelina, both did fantastic. They made it until the fourth round which is incredible for third graders. I’m sure we will see them on the stage again in the school spelling bee.
This week was Peace Week and we made a big banner to highlight some of the things that mean peace to us. It’s hanging outside of the classroom.
The snow proved to be a great addition to the school yard for recess. As much as we adults may not enjoy the snow so much, kids just love it. That being said, kids have to have hats, gloves, snow pants, and boots every day. Even on early release days we still might go outside for a nature lesson, a hike, or a special recess. We had kids this week that didn’t bring gloves.
This coming week looks like it will be a bit nuts weatherwise. Obviously watch for any notifications of after school activities canceling or school closing. Even if we end up having indoor recess this week, like we did on Friday, continue to send along those warm clothes.
That’s it for now, I’m going to get a cup of hot tea and work on a jigsaw puzzle for a bit. Let’s see, to get Hawk’s Tickets, have the kids tell me something that I did this past weekend. I was photographing the many birds that came to my feeders and I loved it!
Have a fantastic weekend and stay warm and safe next week!
~Mrs. Steinbeck~