by Roxanne Turner | Apr 29, 2020 |
Greetings families, It was another successful eLearning week. Students studied figurative language with a slideshow & song lyrics in ELA. They also got the lay of the land in Greece with a variety of resources. Next week, students will do some nature-based writing...
by Lynn Hahn | Apr 26, 2020 |
Dear families, Last week we enjoyed a great Earth Week even through E-Learning. It was great to see all the pictures from the week and hear how your family was able to enjoy nature. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate, and we can safely enjoy going outside this...
by Roxanne Turner | Apr 24, 2020 |
Hello everyone, We hope you all had an excellent Earth Week! If you have not already, please send me at least one photo of your child completing an activity this week, so it can be included in the Closing Ceremony presentation. Also, if you haven’t seen it already,...
by Joshua Flinn | Apr 22, 2020 |
As promised, a Mr. Flinn PE Classroom favorite!! Attached below is the links for our Jump Rope Ninjas activity that we participated in during our Jump Rope Unit. Feel free to print the challenges and enjoy a wonderful workout!! 1st Grade Jump Rope Ninjas 2nd Grade...
by Roxanne Turner | Apr 17, 2020 |
Happy Fri-yay! We made it through another week of eLearning. Remember to be patient and kind to yourselves; everyone is doing the best they can! Today marked the wrap-up to both our dystopia unit in ELA & our Egypt unit in Social Studies. Next week, we get to...