by September Larson | Sep 7, 2020 |
Hi Families! Quick notes to know: Schedule and ZOOM Links Easy to read page homework calendar Coming up Students will need: a ruler (that has both cm and inches), scissors, glue and coloring pencils 9/7- No School- Labor Day 9/8 Please help your child remember...
by Roxanne Turner | Sep 4, 2020 |
Salutations families, As you all know, Prairie Crossing seeks to keep the environment at the center of everything we do. This week we wish to share some environmentally-based updates with families. Throughout the year, students will have both designated EE classes AND...
by Lynn Hahn | Aug 30, 2020 |
Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter August 30, 2020 Attendance Please have your child log into my class Zoom by 8 am for attendance. This is a change. Please have your child go straight to PE on Tuesdays. Material Pickup Thank you for coming to the...
by Susan Neil | Aug 30, 2020 |
Wow! We have had a busy two weeks. We continue to be amazed by the hard work and effort both students and parents have put into Remote Learning. Navigating the Zoom links, participating in small Breakout Room discussions, or just following along with the video lessons...
by Roxanne Turner | Aug 28, 2020 |
Greetings everyone, Thank you to everyone for their continued work toward problem solving with us to support students! These past two weeks we have received insightful feedback and we appreciate your partnership! Curriculum Pick-up is today at 3pm (please refer to...