Wax Museum–SS

I am so proud of the students for working so hard on their masks for Wax Museum. The students have all been assigned an Egyptian God/Goddess/Influential figure and have begun decorating their masks to look like the Egyptian God/Goddess/Influential figure that...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Week 27 Review and Photos

Another week has come and gone, they are really going fast now. We have entered meteorological spring and looking at next weeks temperatures it seems about right. This will mean very muddy conditions on the school yard. When it is that muddy the kids won’t be...

Friday Feature (3/4)

Second trimester report cards will come home with your students today. Please be sure to review your child’s progress and sign and return the manila envelope as soon as possible. Thank you!We began the month of March with a Green Assembly on the important issue...

Update 3/4/2016

I hope this weekend allows for some rest and relaxation for you and our students! As you may have noticed from experience or heard from your child, we’ve been battling some germs. We’re getting some deep cleaning done in our room this weekend and will...