Second trimester report cards will come home with your students today. Please be sure to review your child’s progress and sign and return the manila envelope as soon as possible. Thank you!
We began the month of March with a Green Assembly on the important issue of water conservation. We hope you can set aside some time at home to extend this conversation and discuss ways your family can renew your commitment to conserve water. We also began working on our portfolios for the upcoming student led conferences scheduled for next week. The kids are excited to share what they have learned this year with you.
We have been working hard on our Egyptian masks for our upcoming Wax Museum on Wednesday, March 16th. Ask your child which god or goddess they have chosen to represent for this project! We are still looking for wire hangers, toilet paper rolls, and paper towel rolls to complete our masks. If you are willing to donate any of these supplies, that would be greatly appreciated!
Two 8th graders are collecting lunches for the P.A.D.S. shelter in Waukegan next week. Each lunch should be packed in a brown paper bag and include a napkin, a bottle of water, a fruit or applesauce cup, an individual bag of chips/crackers/pretzels, and two sandwiches in ziploc bags (with 2 slices of meat and 1 slice of cheese – no mustard or mayo). These lunches will be collected next Monday and Tuesday if you are interested in donating.
Today is Mrs. Winget’s last day at PCCS. She and her husband will be starting a new adventure in Maryland! Beginning Monday, Ann Breitenfield will be joining the PCCS staff to assist Mr. Hershiser’s class. Ms. Breitenfield is a recent graduate of Minot University and has been subbing here at PCCS for about a month.
And finally, as the snow and rain outside continues, please remember to send boots with your child for our time at recess, on the trails, and around campus. A pair of “inside shoes (or slippers)” are also essential for helping us keep the students safe from slipping on a wet floor.