Recap & A Look Ahead

Hello PCCS families!  I cannot believe we are already one month into the school year and have already accomplished so much.  I would like to thank all the parent volunteers who have helped out the past couple weeks and all who attended curriculum night.  It has been a...

Newsletter September 18, 2016

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter September 18, 2016   Reading   Students began reading groups this week.  All groups are reading nonfiction books.  The students are reviewing the features of nonfiction books and how these features help us understand the information....

Math Games 9-16-16

I’ve linked this weeks math games to this post. Please have your child play a few times this week. Then initial in their assignment notebooks that they played the game. Thank you. plus-and-minus equation-completed These are great, but simple games that extend...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

Hello Everyone! What a great spirit week! From Monday’s patriotic day to Wednesday’s, very awesome, Harry Potter day, to Friday’s picnic day we all had a great time. We started the week with patriotic day, although I think I only took pictures during...