by Lynn Hahn | Dec 5, 2016 |
Please look in the download section for computer games for multiplication and division.
by Lynn Hahn | Dec 4, 2016 |
Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter December 4, 2016 Reading This week I spend time reading to the class a book about buffalo hunts. The class learned the importance of the buffalo to the Plains Indians. I will continue reading this book next week. We will also learn more about...
by Lynn Hahn | Dec 4, 2016 |
Please see the download section for the December Green Gazette.
by Lynn Hahn | Dec 3, 2016 |
‘Tis the season for shorter attention spans as we all eagerly count down the days to winter break. Between now and then we have a Green Assembly, Holiday Bazaar, Holiday Sing, and our classroom holiday party just to name a few things. But don’t worry...
by Amanda Wagner | Dec 2, 2016 |
It certainly feels like December! Keep warm, everyone! We just finished learning about Illinois and its natural resources. The students discussed the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources, and learned about how important it is to take care of our...