Happy February!

With a new month in store, new opportunities await!  I eagerly anticipate the start of our school community service organization, Care Club, in just a couple of short weeks.  We have many exciting activities planned such as channeling our creativity to make fun...

Book Buddies January 31

The month of January’s green challenge was to conserve energy. Our class learned more about conserving energy with their book buddies. They made a flip chart of activities to do that don’t require electricity. Our class read with their book buddies in the...

Upcoming Celebration March 1: Martenitsa

Martenitsa is a Bulgarian holiday centered around the coming of spring. Starting March 1st you wear a martenitsi, a red and white bracelet. It is worn to ward off Baba Marta, a personification of the back and forth between spring and winter. It is worn until you see a...

Physical Education – February 2018

February 2018, students in 3rd-8th grade will begin fitness testing during the 2nd trimester. The Fitness Gram assessment will consist of 4 tests. The Pacer Test (15m) Curl Up Test (situps) Push Up Test Flexibility (sit & reach) All scores will be recorded and...

Six Flags reading

Please look in the download section for the Six Flags reading log.  It is due Feb. 3.  However, I can also accept it next week.