Taste of the World (Turner/Neil presenting) tomorrow

Greetings families, Tomorrow afternoon, students have the opportunity to present their hard work from our World Geography unit in the form of the “Taste of the World” presentation. Visitors will get to immerse themselves in a variety of cultures from...

Newsletter April 9, 2017

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter April 9, 2017   Reading   This past week most of the students have started new book during reading groups.  The books they started are Freckle Juice and An Owl in the Shower.  The other students learned about than animals in the Florida...

A Few Reminders

I hope you all are enjoying the sunshine and warmer temperatures this week-end! I am forwarding an email I sent out before Spring Break that may have been overlooked during the hectic week before break. There are several forms included that we would like to have back...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

Welcome back! I hope your spring break was relaxing. I know a good portion of the class was able to get away for a little bit and in many cases get some sun. We were in Arizona and it was a much needed time in the warmth of the desert! So, as we were all well rested...

Week 34

Wow! The first week back from break has flown by! This week we began our pioneer books in reading. Some students are reading Little House on the Prairie and some are reading Joshua’s Diary. The two different books meet every other day with a teacher to have a...