Summer Resources 2017

Summer Resources   Here is a list of enrichment ideas  This is an at home summer school program. You send in a weekly assignment to be graded. Check your local library for summer reading programs. Workbook, Summer Bridge...

Newsletter May 14

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter May 15, 2017   Reading   The students have been working on their chapter books during reading.  The students are enjoying finding out what is happening in their books.  We are working on answering the questions in complete sentences...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

I hope everyone is enjoying the warmer weather we finally have received. I know the kids really like it and it certainly made the field trip more enjoyable. Alright, let me recap the past week in Ms. Hahn’s class. Starting with PE, the kids are learning how to...

Week 39

Happy Friday! It looks like it should be a beautiful weekend, so go out and enjoy! We had a busy week, but the students (and teachers) had a fantastic time learning. Both 3rd and 4th graders began working on their adapted fairy tales. The students have come up with...

Sixth Grade Gazette 5/12/17

Dear parents, This week in Social Studies, we continued our economics study, reading articles on stakeholders in the banana business as well as a Human Rights Watch Report on child labor. This has been a complex yet interesting topic of study for everyone. In ELA,...