Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

This week was Attendance and Spirit week. Ms. Hahn’s 3rd graders did a great job showing up to school and bringing their school spirit. Let’s get right into what we did this week. Specials Third graders are finishing their cake oil pastel posters in art....

Turner Times 9/14/18

Hello families, All ELA classes have completed their first Current Events assignment (CE) for the year. ELA A & ELA B will alternate completing this news analysis each week, tentatively completing two per month, using the website (all students have an...

Newsletter September 9, 2018

Ms. Hahn’s Class Newsletter September 9, 2018 This past week the students measured in centimeters with rulers and meter sticks.  The solved story problems that involved measurement. Next week the students will work on story problems.  They will also strengthen their...