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Turner Times 9/14/18

Hello families,

All ELA classes have completed their first Current Events assignment (CE) for the year. ELA A & ELA B will alternate completing this news analysis each week, tentatively completing two per month, using the website (all students have an account through their Gmail). Students are encouraged to use the template and checklist linked here to guide them. All students who followed the directions will receive 15/15 on this first CE. moving forward, they need to focus on the areas Mrs. Krissek left them feedback on.

Next week in social studies, we will begin our “dig” in the garden beds to simulate the archaeological process of studying a mysterious culture. We are in need of a few tarps to place dirt from the beds onto; students will be awarded hawks tickets if any families can loan our class a tarp or two for approximately 10 days while we continue this activity.

On Friday September 28th, the MPAC (Multicultural Parent Advisory Council) is hosting a Family Potluck and Literacy Night. Share your culture with the PCCS community by bringing your family’s favorite cultural dish to share with others and enjoy a night of educational activities. Like Farm-to-Table, be sure to bring your own plates and utensils. The event starts at 5:00 pm. Please let the MPAC know if you’re planning to attend by RSVPing here.

Important Dates

Monday 9/17: Carson Building Curriculum Night, 6-7 pm

Wednesday 9/19: Early Release, 1pm; ⅚ Tomato Jubilee cooking 9a-12p (click here to donate/volunteer)

Have a lovely weekend!

-Ms. Turner & Mrs. Krissek