Week of 11/26

It was such a pleasure to speak with you all at conferences! Attached is the newsletter for this week. Newsletter 11/26

A Blanket of Snow

I hope you all have enjoyed this long Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends. We are excited to see your students (and a blanket of snow) at school on Monday! We will start the week off in ELA with a visit from Mrs. Rompella to continue work with John Muir. At...

Turner Times 11/20/18

Greetings, Thank you to all who attended conferences. I am grateful for our partnerships and the chance to work with your children at school each day! A few academic updates before the break: ELA: students have selected a biography on a historical figure to read and...

A Time to be Thankful

As we head into the Thanksgiving holiday, we wanted to express our gratitude for all the ways – both big and small – you support your students, our classroom, and our school. PCCS truly has the best parents, and we are thankful to be working together to...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

Some weeks I take tons of photos, others not so much. This week was a not so much week. We did a lot of finishing up projects, or nearly finishing them up, so that we can start new things after the Thanksgiving break. Specials In music class, third graders were shown...