by Susan Neil | Mar 3, 2019 |
As the 3rd trimester begins this week, this is a good time to reflect on the growth your students have made in 5th grade. All students have been working on creating digital portfolios to share with you at our Student Led Conferences on March 14th. Please sign up for a...
by Lynn Hahn | Mar 3, 2019 |
We had a good week in Ms. Hahn’s class. Read on to find out about a few of the things we did. Specials PE was all about jumping rope. They played a game called run through where the kids had to run through a long rope being twirled by two people. It’s the start of...
by Roxanne Turner | Feb 28, 2019 |
Greetings all, Second trimester is officially at a close. Please join us for Student-Led Conferences on March 14th, by signing up here. Students have wrapped up T2 by completing their 3D map of the Nile, their fourth vocabulary quiz of the year, and their dinosaur...
by Sydney McNally | Feb 24, 2019 |
For the week of 2/25 Newsletter click Here
by Susan Neil | Feb 24, 2019 |
The wind blowing outside reminds me of how quickly these February days have gone by. It’s hard to believe we are in the last week of the month and the last week of the 2nd trimester. Please note that student led conferences will be held on March 14-15. Details...