GIANT LIST OF IDEAS FOR BEING HOME WITH KIDS ( for: actual quarantine, school closures, weekend social distancing, anytime!) Thanks to the Princess Awesome & Boy Wonder Community for the amazing suggestions!!   Have each kid pick a topic they’d like to...

Conference Reminders

Greetings 6th grade parents, With conferences today, I thought a few reminders would be helpful: Hershiser homeroom students have their conference in Mr. Hershiser’s room (Carson rm 22), Turner homeroom students have their conference in Ms. Turner’s room...

Update 3/8/20

  Hi Families! Quick notes to know: 3/11/20 Farm to Table 3/12 and 3/13     E.R.- Student Led Conferences 3/18 E.R. 3/20 Student Play Assembly 3/23-3/27 Spring Break  3/30 School Resumes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our movie, PJ,...

Time to Spring Forward

As we set our clocks ahead and spring forward, we are excited to jump into this new trimester. The students have been working hard on their portfolios to showcase their work in 5th grade so far, and they are looking forward to sharing them with you this week when you...

Week of 3/9 Newsletter

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Click HERE for this week’s newsletter! Looking forward to seeing you all this week for conferences.