Classroom Update 2/12

Today during Daily 5 the students got a new nonfiction feature to search for. They were looking for a heading. A heading tells what a section will be about. We will also be discussing subheadings, so we were trying to find ways to make sure that what we found was a...

Classroom Update 2/10

Today we went to Solo Spots! The students made great observations while we were outside. And they REALLY enjoyed our adventurous walk. 🙂 We also learned a new nonfiction feature today. It is the illustration. We defined an illustration as a picture drawn to help the...

Math Update 2/10

Today the students continued their work with crayon puzzles. This activity helps the students to understand a few of our math common core state standards including:  Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.OA.A.1: Use...

Extra Clothes

Please remember to send extra clothes and socks to school for your child.  Many students are needing dry socks after recess.

Science – Seasons and Day and Night

The students should now be able to explain the reasons that we have seasons and why we have day and night. In order to learn about the seasons and day and night the students have done a lot of work with graphing and interpreting data. They have compared differences in...