Classroom Update 2/25

Today we had fun with shadows! Since the Sun was (finally) out, we went outside to observe what happens to our shadows throughout the day. In the morning, around 9:30, the students went outside and a partner drew their shadow.  We went out again after lunch, around...

Math Update 2/25

Today we worked on telling time to the half hour! It was difficult, but most students picked up on the concept. We are going to keep working on it through the end of the year. It would be a great idea to ask your child to tell you the time when you happen to be...

Classroom Update 2/24

This morning we got to attend Starlab with Ms. Naomi! It is one of my very very favorite activities and I hope your child comes home excited to tell you all about it!  We also did a science activity where students learned how to make shadows shorter and longer. See if...

Math Update 2/24

Happy Tuesday! Today we continued our work on story problems and counting assessments. Everyone was able to count to 100 for the assessment and many many students were able to count past 120. Amazing! The Common Core Standard goal for 1st graders is to count to 120 by...

Math Update 2/23

In math we worked on story problems! Lots of them! Students were also pulled to do a story problem assessment as well as a counting assessment with me.  We’ll finish up these activities in the next few days and be done with this unit. I am very impressed with...