Mineral Scratch Tests

How do you determine what mineral you are holding? By doing a scratch test and comparing your results with those of other mineral and tools. The students had to figure out what minerals they had by scratching them with their fingernails, aluminum nails, and steel...

PARCC Testing Dates

We will have PARCC tests in March.  You will find the dates and times below.  The test session is about 90 minutes. March 3- 8:15 March 6- 8:15 March 10- 8:15 March 16- 8:15 March 17- 8:15  

Family Stargazing Night

*View all posts here*                     We have a wonderful opportunity coming up in April! Please click here to learn about our stargazing night with Naomi and the rest of the 1st and 2nd grade classes. Make sure to send your RSVP for this special event by March...

Classroom Update 2/26

Yesterday I send home our field trip commitment letter. Please make sure you send me an email confirming your child’s attendance as stated in the letter. We’ve almost got everyone’s reply already! We worked hard to wrap up our 2nd trimester work...

It’s Field Trip Time!

*View all posts here*   We are excited to share that we will be going to the Adler Planetarium in March. Please click here to see the commitment letter. We will be sending more information soon! Email us with your reply by March 3rd. Mrs. Buesking *View all posts...