Classroom Update 4/1

Today we had a new student join our classroom! His name is Peyton. Everyone has been very, very helpful in trying to get him comfortable in the classroom. In writing we wrote in our journals. Our prompts today were focused on writing about either an April Fool’s...

Solids and Liquids Unit

*View all posts here* Dear Family, Our class is beginning a scientific study of solids and liquids. We will observe the properties of many solids and liquids, comparing how solids and liquids are alike and how they are different; organize the results of our inquiries;...

Math Update 4/1

Today we continued our work with identifying, reading, writing, and sequencing numbers to 100 and beyond. Students worked on identifying  and using patterns in the 100 chart by filling in missing numbers in a number chart. We also did our first start with/get...

Classroom Update 3/31

Today I met with students during their  work on writing sessions to give them their new prompt and discuss their journal writing. For some students, we set goals for tomorrow’s entry. I’ll be helping to set individual journal goals for students to improve...

Spelling Sorts: March 30th – April 3rd

*View all posts here* Below you will find our five spelling groups. Listed underneath each group, you will find a link for the spelling list (in case words didn’t make it home) as well as the “key.” Each week, this key will provide the words sorted into their...