Hello, Georgia!

We have exciting news! Our environmental exchange box from a class of 1st graders in Atlanta, Georgia, arrived yesterday! We have just begun exploring the contents as we wrap up our own box. Students took full ownership of this project. From deciding what kind of...

Spelling Sorts: May 4th – May 8th

When students pick the spelling group names, you never know what you’re going to get! This round of names brought the same variety… 🙂 Below you will find the new names of our five spelling groups Listed underneath each group, you will find a link for the...

Classroom Update 5/4

Happy Monday! We closed out our April Green Challenge today, a few days late, but with a bang! Today we were able to ‘adopt’ an arctic fox as a classroom! The students have worked hard to achieve our goal of helping an animal with a donation as well as...

Math Update 5/4

Today we started a new unit focusing on geometry, with an emphasis on 3-D shapes. We explored with different blocks today to identify the variety of faces that each shape contained. We worked on developing vocabulary to describe 3-D shapes and their attributes (face,...

Ms. Hahn’s Students on the Web – Madu

Please enjoy learning more about Madu! Name: Madu Age:9 Family and Pets: Mom, Dad, sister, no pets Favorite Subject: math Favorite Book/Movie/TV Show: Elsewhere What I Like to do Outside of School: arts and crafts What I Want to be When I Grow Up:...