Thank You

I just wanted to thank you for making my first Teacher Appreciation week so wonderful. From the beautiful flowers and fresh fruit, the sweet notes and pictures, the tasty breakfast and tea to the generous scrip dollars, I appreciated every moment. I even got a balloon...

Native American Week 2015

Once again I am so proud of Prairie Crossing and the opportunities our students have at this school. This week the 3/4 grades held Native American Week and it was spectacular. The children learned so much about the Native American culture. They learned about religion,...

Homework for May 8th

1/2: Here is your vocabulary. Make sure you can sort them by sound (ph-, -ph-, gh =f, silent gh). fought, paragraph, homophone, photograph, photocopy, telephone, paragraph, caught, physics, dolphin, enough, taught, daughter, laughter, alphabet, phrase, phantom,...

Classroom Update 5/5

We had our final green challenge assembly today! Our focus until the end of the school is “Don’t litter!” We’ll be going out to collect litter a few time over the next few weeks. In science, the students are bringing home their science journals...

Math Update 5/5

Today math was a little shorter because of our Green Challenge Assembly. We did get a chance to work on making and copying different cube formations. And we got a chance to pass out math homework, due tomorrow. 🙂  For the homework the students should take one or two...