PBIS Anti-bullying Week

This next week, we will be celebrating being Respectful, Responsible, and Safe at school.  This is in conjunction with National Anti-Bullying Day on Monday.  There are a couple of main events taking place this week.  Monday is wear blue day and on Friday we have a...


This week will be filled with exciting and interactive learning opportunies, in conjunction with National Anti-Bullying Day on Monday. The theme of the week will be incorporated into lessons and discussion that focuses on making positive choices. Additionally, we will...

Friday Feature

Although the temperature may be dropping, the energy and enthusiasm in our classroom continues to rise! We have been working hard to piece together the cultural artifacts we excavated from Ms. Stefan’s class. Sharing ideas within small committees, the students...


Students have started, group by group, to bring home their spelling activity page to complete at home. The front page provides students with three activity choices, but they only need to complete 2 of the 3. Choice 1: 2 Sorts with an Adult Helper An important part to...

Looking Ahead (9/28-10/09)

Here is an update of what we will be covering in my classes during the coming weeks. Math: Students will be continuing their work on multiplication and division strategies. This week, they will become “experts” on a specific strategy, and create a...