Letter to Second Grade Parents

Dear second grade parents,Please look in the download section for a letter to you.Sincerely,Ms. Hahn div.slide” data-cycle-paused=”true” data-cycle-timeout=”3000″ data-cycle-speed=”1000″...

Summer Bingo

Dear parents,Please see the download section for a Summer Bingo for 3rd grade.Sincerely,Ms. Hahn

Wrapping Up the Year

First of all, thank you to our wonderful volunteer carpool drivers who made yesterday’s canoe trip possible! We had a beautiful day for canoeing in the morning and hiking in the afternoon. Thank you!Second, with summer break approaching I wanted to offer the...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Last Weekly Review and Photos

Well, we’ve made it to the last week of the school year. I know all of the kids, and teachers too, are ready for summer break. So here is a quick recap of  last week. I will not be posting a blog entry next week, but I will probably upload my photos from the...

May 29, 2016 Last Week Schedule

Dear parents,I hope everyone is enjoying a nice three day weekend.  I wanted to send you a quick email about the week ahead.  There are a lot of things happening next week.  Please remind your child to clean out his/her backpack daily.  We will be sending more items...