Book Buddies January 31

The month of January’s green challenge was to conserve energy. Our class learned more about conserving energy with their book buddies. They made a flip chart of activities to do that don’t require electricity. Our class read with their book buddies in the...

Upcoming Celebration March 1: Martenitsa

Martenitsa is a Bulgarian holiday centered around the coming of spring. Starting March 1st you wear a martenitsi, a red and white bracelet. It is worn to ward off Baba Marta, a personification of the back and forth between spring and winter. It is worn until you see a...

Physical Education – February 2018

February 2018, students in 3rd-8th grade will begin fitness testing during the 2nd trimester. The Fitness Gram assessment will consist of 4 tests. The Pacer Test (15m) Curl Up Test (situps) Push Up Test Flexibility (sit & reach) All scores will be recorded and...

Six Flags reading

Please look in the download section for the Six Flags reading log.  It is due Feb. 3.  However, I can also accept it next week.
Many Ways to Learn

Many Ways to Learn

Explaining to your child that they have a learning disability can be a challenging, yet helpful step in supporting their self-awareness. Many Ways to Learn by Judith M. Stern and Uzi Ben-Ami is a wonderful resource for students 5th grade and up who may need more...