Sixth Grade Gazette 6/2/17

Dear parents,   Can you believe it’s the last week of the school year? Everyone has grown so much this year! On Tuesday, we went to the Skokie Lagoons for our canoeing trip. We began by canoeing in the morning, and then took a hike in the afternoon. The kids...

Last Week of School Information

Important Information for Last Week of School 2017   Backpacks   Please empty backpack daily.  I will be sending home supplies Tuesday and Thursday.  Your child may want to bring an extra bag for supplies they bring home.   Field Day Tuesday  ...

Our Last Week

By now, I hope your child has shared some of their experiences with you from our trip to Warren Dunes. After an exciting camping adventure – thank you to Ms. Graves for chaperoning – we are gearing up for the last week of school. Tomorrow is our canoe trip...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

We are down to the last week of school! Students, teachers, and parents are all really excited. We have still been doing great things, I just haven’t been photographing them. I also didn’t post last week because I was busy all weekend with my oldest...