Newsletter August 20, 2017

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter August 20, 2017   Reading   This week the students listened a variety of books to the students including First Day Jitters, Mrs. Malarkey Leaves No Reader Behind, Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon, 100 Dresses, and Bad Case of Stripes.   I...

Hello 2017-2018 School Year!

Wow…time flies. This will be my 9th year teaching resource at Prairie Crossing! This year, I am working with 5th and 6th grade students across their content areas. I will be sending a welcome letter with some additional information next week (if I am your...

Turner Tribune 8/18/17

Greetings families, It was a fun-filled first week of 6th grade in our room. In social studies, students have been enjoying making inferences based on artifacts their peers brought in their artifact bags. Students will soon be applying the skills of using evidence and...

PE and Health Expectations

Welcome parents and students to the start of another great year at Prairie Crossing Charter School. At the beginning of every year it is important to go over and teach/reteach the expectations when the students participate in physical education for the up coming year....