I’ve Got a Feeling

These beautiful fall days have given us a feeling of energy and excitement both in the classroom and out. Mrs. Neil’s class started our week peeling and chopping apples for applesauce in support of our “Eat Real” Challenge. As the apples simmered, the classroom...

Classroom News

Good Afternoon!   I hope you all are enjoying the sunshine today. Farm to Table is this Wednesday at 10:55am. We will be eating with students from Learn Charter School and having recess time with them. We are very excited for this opportunity!    Our school is proud...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

Turns out I didn’t take as many pictures as I normally do, but that doesn’t mean we didn’t do a lot of things. On the contrary, we did a bunch of fun and interesting things this week. Let’s get into all the detail! Specials In PE the kids did a...

Turner Times 10/19/18

Greetings wonderful families, In ELA this week, students were introduced to their lit circle book’s final project, the character bag. Click here to review the requirements, a suggested timeline to keep students on track, and the exact rubric I will be using to grade...