October 25th Newsletter

Dear Parents, The newsletter has been downloaded. Please take a look at the Upcoming Dates. Have a great weekend, Ms. Mui

Room 21 Register – 10/25/19

Greetings all, This week in ELA students completed their literature circle novels & meetings. They are now ready to start working on their reading unit’s final project: the Character Bag. The project is due November 8th, and students have been provided with the...

Class Reward

Hello Families, Our class filled our puff jar with 24 puffs. Each puff recognizes a whole-class reward. Students voted to narrow down their reward choice. We will have extra recess time with an optional stuffed animal on Friday, October 25th in the afternoon. I let...

Math B

This Friday Math B will be taking their End of the Unit Test for Module 2.  I will cover multiplication and division of fractions.  Students have been assigned review lessons through Kahn academy.  These review lessons also have practice quizzes and tests.  Students...