Joey Reidy

Joey Reidy

Joey Reidy first started working at pccs in 2021. He started out as a gardener over the summer and when the kids started coming back he decided to be a helper at aftercare and a lunch and recess advisor. He is a former pccs student and a grad from Carmel catholic high...
Ms. Becker

Ms. Becker

Linda Becker joined the Prairie Crossing Charter School family in August 2021 as she started her new career in the field of education. Linda retired in June 2021 after serving as a Chicago Police Officer for 26 years. Linda obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree in...
Brandon Reeder

Brandon Reeder

Brandon joined PCCS in early 2020 as an aftercare assistant and later joined our garden crew; as a result, he discovered a passion towards gardening and sustainable learning. He is currently studying history at the University of Illinois-Chicago. Moreover, his hobbies...