by Tony Zamiar | Mar 10, 2015 |
That’s right…….BUTTER BRAIDS ARE BACK! Because of the popularity of the Butter Braids sale the 8th graders held a few months ago, PCCS is holding a second sale. The process is easy: Click HERE and download a form. Don’t know what Butter Braids are?...
by Melissa Kulbeda | Mar 10, 2015 |
We’ve been working extremely hard on preparing for our student led conferences tomorrow! Today the students finalized their work that they wanted to show and finished up any worksheets that needed to be fill out to share with you. We’ve got more than half...
by Melissa Kulbeda | Mar 10, 2015 |
We’ve been working on patterns in math class! Yesterday we finished working with color patterns and moved on to number patterns today. We also reviewed and did a worksheet on telling time to the half hour. I was impressed that many students remembered how to use...
by Kerri Sustich | Mar 9, 2015 |
Please note that due to PARCC and spring break, the newsletter will be delayed a week. The newsletter will be send home on March 22nd.
by Lynn Hahn | Mar 8, 2015 |
March 8