by Brittany Siwy | Mar 13, 2015 |
by Brittany Siwy | Mar 13, 2015 |
Next Friday, March 20, the entire Carson building will be provided with FREE PIZZA. We are having 36 pizzas delivered, half at 11:30 and the rest at 12:00. There will be cheese, pepperoni, sausage and veggie. Make sure students have their own plates and napkins (Pizza...
by Robb Freeman | Mar 13, 2015 |
Welcome parents. Here’s what we have been up to the past few weeks: Kindergartners have been writing and practicing a play on weather. 1st & 2nd have been journaling about a variety of subjects (such as weekends and tasty food), reading stretch books, and...
by Karin Stefans | Mar 12, 2015 |
Click the link below for expectations for the students’ Taste of the World service learning project. SLP Checklist
by Melissa Kulbeda | Mar 12, 2015 |
Hello! Thank you, everyone, for a wonderful night of student-led cofnerences. I enjoy overhearing the students talking about their favorite classwork and hearing their parents tell them how proud they are. I am so proud of the work the students have done so far this...