Textile Drive Flyer

Hello Everyone! The PSO is getting ready for the Textile Drive again this year. Attached is the flyer with the details about the collection and sale. PCCS FLYER

Math Magician

Here is the link for the math game that is homework for my math class. http://www.oswego.org/ocsd-web/games/Mathmagician/cathymath.html Please click on “Mixed Multiplication.” Record your score in your assignment notebook and have your parents sign to...

Curriculum Night

Thank you for a wonderful Curriculum Night! We appreciated the time we had to discuss some more details of our classroom and address questions you had. Please know that you are always welcome to send any other questions that come up our way. If you were unable to...

Curriculum Night and Computer Logins

Good evening families, I wanted to send you a reminder that tomorrow night at 6 pm is curriculum night.  If you are new to Prairie Crossing this is a great way to find out more about the curriculum at PCCS and my classroom procedures.  If you can’t attend...