Physical Education & Health 2017-2018 – Grading Scale

The 2017-2018 Physical Education and Health Department at PCCS has a link to the side in downloads for grading scale. Students in grades 3-4 will be expected to wear their regular school clothes for class along with having a clean pair of PE shoes. Classroom grading...

Physical Education – September 2017

September 2018, students in 3rd-8th grade will begin PRACTICE fitness testing during the 1st trimester. The Fitness Gram assessment will consist of 4 tests. The Pacer Test (15m) Curl Up Test (situps) Push Up Test Flexibility (sit & reach) All scores will be...

Welcome to 4th Grade, Bridges Math Welcome Letter

Welcome to 4th Grade   August 14, 2017   Dear parents,   I would like to welcome any new families and returning families to Prairie Crossing for the 2017-2018 school year.  It was great to see many of you at the back to school picnic.   The third and...