Week of 9/23 Newsletter

Click HERE for this week’s newsletter! A special thank you to our fabulous chaperones on our field trip last Friday! We appreciate you so much. The math Unit two letter can be found in the “downloads” section of this page.

Newsletter September 22, 2019

Newsletter  9-22-19   In writing the students spent time adding a setting to their realistic fiction stories.  They looked at many examples and added more information to their stories. Students have written the first draft of their stories, but we will continue...

Update 9/22/19

Hi Families! Quick notes to know:   9/23/19 It’s the Equinox – Happy Fall! 9/25/19 Farm to Table- we will eat at 10:55 a.m. Snack will be in the afternoon on this day. 9/27/19 Fire Drill 10:00 10/6/19 Fall Fest 10/10/19 Early Release 1:00 10/11/19 No School...