September 23 Photos

Good Morning! Here is the Weekly Photo Link for the week of September 23. You will see pictures from: phenology, kickball in PE, math with manipulatives, meeting with Mrs. Gernady, Farm to Table, indoor recess, and more. Enjoy! We hope you are enjoying seeing your...

Week of 9/23 Newsletter

Click HERE for this week’s newsletter! A special thank you to our fabulous chaperones on our field trip last Friday! We appreciate you so much. The math Unit two letter can be found in the “downloads” section of this page.

September 16 Photos

Good Morning – Here is the weekly photo link, please enjoy some pictures I took of the kids. This week they include:  our trip to the apple orchard learning about liters, milliliters, grams, and kilograms by measuring water and beans quiet spots by the lake art...

September 9 Photo Link

Here are just a few photos from this week, see the Week of September 9 link for all the others! The highlights show: meeting our book buddies, jumping rope at recess, hilarious hat/hair day, tie-dye day, and playing hair salon at recess.