by Sydney McNally | Feb 3, 2019 |
Week of 2/4 Newsletter
by Lynn Hahn | Feb 1, 2019 |
by Sydney McNally | Jan 27, 2019 |
Here is this week’s newsletter 1/28 Last week was peace week and we studied about Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King jr., and read many stories about peace. Ask your student about the book Steamboat School. We also created a large mural of MLK as a class. It...
by Sydney McNally | Jan 21, 2019 |
Here is the Newsletter this week: Newsletter1/21 Daily Themes for School Choice Week: Monday: No School Tuesday: Wear Yellow Scarves Wednesday: Crazy Hat/Crazy Hair Day Thursday: Dress-Up Day (We will vote on what this means; TBA) Friday: School Spirit...
by Lynn Hahn | Jan 21, 2019 |