January 17th Newsletter

Dear Parents, The newsletter has been downloaded. Please take a look at the Upcoming Dates. Have a great long weekend, Ms. Mui

Headphones & other Reminders

Good Morning! Aimsweb testing has been going on this week and NWEA is next week on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Each student NEEDS a personal pair of headphones or ear buds to keep at school for this and other things. Thank you for making sure they are prepared!!...

Math B

Math B has been working on our Algebra in Unit 4.  In Module 4, Expressions and Equations, students extend their arithmetic work to include using letters to represent numbers in order to understand that letters are simply “stand-ins” for numbers and that...

Message from Josh Flinn

“The Kid’s Heart Challenge has begun and the American Heart Association needs your help. Please help PCCS reach our goals of raising $10,000 for the Kid’s Heart Challenge. If you can’t raise money, you can still help PCCS reach our goal of having over half the...