Update 2/7/2021

  Hi Families! Quick notes to know: 2/8/21 & 2/9/21 Group A attends 2/10/21  ALL Remote Wednesday and Valentine’s Day party 2/11/21 Early Release- Group B attends, please bring a snunch (light lunch /heavy snack) 2/12 No School- Teacher Institute 2/15 No...

Newsletter Feb. 7

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter  Feb. 7, 2021   Hybrid Information   The new hybrid schedule begins Monday, Feb. 8th. Hybrid Schedule  If your child is in the A group, he/she follows the A schedule when at home and in person. The students who are in the B group follow...

Do You Really Trust a Groundhog?

On Tuesday, the famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, saw his shadow and predicted six more weeks of winter. If this weekend is any indication, we think he may be right. Despite the cold temperatures this coming week, we are ready to welcome back the students that will...

Sixth Grade Sentinel – 2/5/2021

Greetings 6th grade community, Next week we officially transition to Phase 4B-Hybrid Learning! As we enter this next phase of the year, please know we will continue to work together and problem solve as needed. Thank you to the families that communicated with us...